Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Swimming will commence this week on the following dates. We will leave school by bus at 11am and return to school by 12.30pm.  Please check which group your child is in as they will only swim on those days indicated below:

·         Wednesday 12 February Intermediate
·         Friday 14 February Beginners & Advanced
·          Wednesday 26 February Intermediate·       
·          Friday 7 March Beginners & Advanced
·         Wednesday 12 March Intermediate
·         Friday 14 March Beginners & Advanced
·         Wednesday 26 March Intermediate
.    Friday 28 March Beginners & Advanced (unless using postponement date for Y4/5 trip)

Please note:  You have been given, or can download from the website, an Education Outside the Classroom permission form to fill in.  Until this is returned to school your child will not be allowed to attend the swimming sessions. Link: EOTC Form
We will require parent helpers for swimming for safety reasons so if you are able to assist, please fill in the note below and send back to the class teacher.

Children will need a towel and togs and preferably some goggles as this will prevent their eyes from hurting..  The school only has a small number of goggles to loan children but they are available to buy at Waikanae Pool..  Children with long hair should have it tied back please.  Children will take their school sun hats and we will provide sunscreen if necessary.

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