Friday, February 28, 2014

Room 10 at assembly - Friday 28 February

Sharing our CD fish and sharing a few of our holiday poems.
"We may be all different fish, but in this school we swim together"

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

And the cast is on.......

Mapping and Maths

Mrs Cameron is getting a cast put on her leg for 6 weeks so her achilles tendon can heal.  ACC will provide some assistance by way of a taxi.

Use Google Maps to plan the weekly travel.

How many kilometers will Mrs Cameron need the taxi travel in a school week?

8am - Waikanae School

5pm - Home
8am - Waikanae School

Husband can pick up and do the touch rugby run

8am - Waikanae School

4pm - Waikanae School to Maclean St

5.30pm Maclean Street to Home
8am - Waikanae School

Husband can pick up and do the touch rugby run

8am - Waikanae School

4pm - Home


x 6 weeks
390.60 kms!!!!
Now pretend you were in the same situation and you needed a taxi to drive you to all the places you go through the week.  Create a google doc and display your information like Mrs Cameron’s.  You will need to ‘Move to Folder’ MATHS and it will automatically be shared with me.

Use google maps.

Add the total km’s.

When you are done, I’m sure you’ll remember to say thank you to whoever transports you to school and activities :)

Our School Councillors for Room 10

Congratulations to Oakley and Grace who will be representing Room 10 as our school councillors this year.  Well done!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Learning about Flags

This is a really cool website where you can learn a lot about the 'World of Flags'.  Check it out.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Chrome book roster

Waikanae Surf Club

Having fun at the beach is what Waikanae Surf Club is all about.  Click on the link to take you to the club Website.  Come along each Sunday from 11-1pm and see if our club is for you......  Waikanae Surf Club

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Click on the Waikanae School Website Waikanae School Website

Scroll Down to 'Our Web Portal' and click onto it.  You will see this screen.
If you would like to check your email, click on the Gmail link

If you would like to complete some homework on a Google Doc, click on the Docs link etc etc

Your username is the first 3 letters of your last name followed by the first 3 letters of your first name
Eg:  John Doe  = DOEJOH

Your password is the password you have set at school.  
If you need me to change your password because you have forgotten it, come and see me and I will change it to waikanae

You need to change your password on one of the desktops at school before you can access your account at home.

Your school email is your username followed by



  • Write about our summer holiday following a 4 line rhyming sequence
  • distinguish what a stanza represents
  • give our poem a meaningful title
  • present our work proudly for our class to share

We will see we have achieved this by;

  • Seeing a meaningful title
  • 5 Stanzas of 4 lines
  • The last word of the 1st two lines rhyme
  • The last word of the 2nd two lines rhyme
  • The poem follows holiday events in order

Grace Brabham:
The Coromandel was so much fun
I ate a strawberry coconut bun.
I stood up to milk a cow
My brother dodged a big green cloud!

Niamh McShane:
When we went camping we had a massive tent
A lot of time to put it up was spent.
Roasting marshmallows on the fire
Mum told me to put mine up higher.

Harry Ward:
Went to Te Puke with a big long drive
At the beach I went for a refreshing dive.
We went to the mall and did loads of shopping
Mum kept seeing nice things and we kept on stopping.

Vanessa Su:
My cousin came over, her name is Raylene
She is five years old and she is mean.
When she saw a spider in the ice-cream
She jumped on my back and gave a big scream.

Lucia Cameron:
My first trip to Picton was really fun
I was too busy eating a very big plum.
We played on the playground and got really hot
The waves started forming and we started to rock.


Swimming will commence this week on the following dates. We will leave school by bus at 11am and return to school by 12.30pm.  Please check which group your child is in as they will only swim on those days indicated below:

·         Wednesday 12 February Intermediate
·         Friday 14 February Beginners & Advanced
·          Wednesday 26 February Intermediate·       
·          Friday 7 March Beginners & Advanced
·         Wednesday 12 March Intermediate
·         Friday 14 March Beginners & Advanced
·         Wednesday 26 March Intermediate
.    Friday 28 March Beginners & Advanced (unless using postponement date for Y4/5 trip)

Please note:  You have been given, or can download from the website, an Education Outside the Classroom permission form to fill in.  Until this is returned to school your child will not be allowed to attend the swimming sessions. Link: EOTC Form
We will require parent helpers for swimming for safety reasons so if you are able to assist, please fill in the note below and send back to the class teacher.

Children will need a towel and togs and preferably some goggles as this will prevent their eyes from hurting..  The school only has a small number of goggles to loan children but they are available to buy at Waikanae Pool..  Children with long hair should have it tied back please.  Children will take their school sun hats and we will provide sunscreen if necessary.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Wow!!!  That was a fast school day!!!
We have such an awesome bunch of kids in Room 10 and I'm so excited to be part of their learning journey's this year.  I'm sure they'll be needing an early night tonight!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Book Bags for Te Aramoana

We are extremely grateful to Mr Gus Evans from 'Gus Evans Nursery' on Seddon Street opposite the school.  He has kindly donated enough book bags for our entire syndicate to use!  These book bags are being loaned to each student for the year to transport school books, library books, notices etc to and from school safely.  When you arrive at school on Tuesday, you can get your book bag from the back of the class and place it on the desk you choose to sit at for the day.