Monday, March 31, 2014

All About Me - Assignment

We had such a lovely morning sharing all of the posters.  I loved watching the conversations develop about items that grabbed interest.  Most importantly, I loved watching the pride on the children's faces as they shared their family history with the rest of the their group/class.  Wonderful!  Thank you for all the hard effort and time put into these master pieces.  Very proud teacher :)  Now to decorate the room with them!

Mrs Cameron finally remembered to buy pegs so we can display our posters.  Don't they look great.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

All about me assignment - Due Friday 28 March

Homework assignment - Term 1

As part of our research into the world around us this year, I would like to begin with where children in the class originate from or call home.  This helps us to orientate ourselves within Te Aramoana, Waikanae School, our community and New Zealand.

The children's task is to collect items and information from your family (or community) that reflect where you and they come from, what experiences they have lived through and to find any recorded memories.  Examples may be from Toku Whakapapa (my geneology) - your mountain, lake, river, canoe, tribe, marae, family members, etc.  You could include photocopies of newspaper articles, maps, letters, photographs of people, places or events.  It could include an immigration story, part of a family tree or a timeline.  The ideas are endless, but overall should help the student to reflect on where they come from.

An A3 piece of card will be given out to present your 'All about Me' assignment and once done, will be shared with the class or a small group.

The essential thing for you is to communicate with your child about the experiences of their ancestors, so that they can learn the stories behind the selected items.  Imagine what they could learn!

Here are some examples that have been completed already.  Outstanding!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

X Racers......

Click here to see what the X Race is all about.
Some of our families participated in this event.  I think Lucia and I might join them next year.  Looks like heaps of fun.

Oakley came first out of his age group and won this awesome trophy.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Te Reo - Days of the Week

Sing to the tune of the banana boat song - Harry Belafonte

Ko nga ra o te wiki enei
These are the days of the week
Ko nga ra o te wiki enei
These are the days of the week
Ratapu, Ratapu
Sunday, Sunday
Ko nga ra o te wiki enei
These are the days of the week
Ratapu, Ratapu
Sunday, Sunday
Ko nga ra o te wiki enei
These are the days of the week

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Design a Bookmark Competition

2014 marks the centenary of the First World War.  Help us to remember this important event by entering our 'Design a Bookmark' competition.  The theme for the bookmark should be WW1 and the ANZAC spirit.  A $60 voucher will be awarded to winning designs.  Entry forms available at all Kapiti Coast Libraries and the Kapiti Coast Museum

Click here to be taken to the KCDC website and link

Family Mountain Bike Race

Click here for more information on this family event

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Touch Tournament.....

We had such a beautiful day for the annual School Vs School touch tournament this weekend.  So many Room 10 faces participated which was wonderful to see.  Such supportive family and friends too!  Proud to be part of Waikanae School!  

Waikanae U8's (placed 2nd)
 Waikanae U11's (placed 2nd)
 Waikanae U13's (placed 2nd)
Waikanae U11's (placed 8th)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Headlice (Nits) - Embarrassing Bodies

This is never the most pleasant of things to talk about, but take a look at this link and it will show you what to look for and what to do if you find yourself a bit itchy.